I really wish my parents would stop smoking! Every time that I go to their house I leave smelling like an ashtray.
Trust me, I know it isn’t good for their health. But after forty years of smoking, they won’t listen to that argument. I know, I’ve tried. I’m just about at my wit’s end.
I bought them vape pens a couple of years ago. I tried to get them on that bandwagon. It works because it has helped a number of friends. They hated it though. It only took three days to get them right back on cigarettes full-time.
So now, I don’t know what to do. It’s not like I don’t want to visit them. Of course I do. But when I need to go home and shower afterwards, it’s an inconvenience. They smoke outside when I’m around, but the smells already soaked into the home. All of the walls and furniture are smokey.
I’ve thought about buying them one of those smokeless ashtrays that filter out the smoke. I think I could convince them to use that since it’s a lot like a normal ashtray. I’d buy them an air purifier like mine, but they’d get mad I spent so much. They would also hate the noise level and probably never run it.
Do you have any other suggestions for me? Or should I just always leave a change of close in my car for visiting my parents?